Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meet the 2012 Canoe Crew

 Borchers held it's annual staff training.

The Borcher Babes, Sara, Amanda, and Madi,  practiced kayak retrieval.  These girls are so good, they can do it blindfolded!

Borchers deals in helping large groups of people get on the river safely.

Here is our friendly, helpful  staff, working the bugs out of our launching procedure.

 Borchers 2012 Canoe Crew

Monday, June 25, 2012

We love paddlers!

We love to host paddlers!   Young and young at heart!

Sarah, Gabe, & Chase

Bob & Jeannine

 Big groups and small

Fellowship Church 
Michelle & Brock

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Beauty in Wood

The river is flowing and paddlers are going!

Mike takes his beautiful hand built wooden kayak
along with a Borchers kayak to Loud Dam.

Meanwhile some of the Borchers crew headed down river to paint some
not so beautiful wooden picnic tables at White Pine campground. 
Bushes, rollers, a gallon of paint from the DNR, and with a little effort the picnic tables look pretty good and are ready for campers for another summer.

Alex, Cheri, & Logan 
and the cousin who came along!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Erin!

Back for a camping/canoe trip, Perry, Erin, Andy and Debbie.

Debbie gave us a heads up so that we could share a birthday cake with Erin!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mrs. Lewicki's 4th Grade

Mrs. Lewicki and her 4th grade class took their annual trip downriver.


They caught a few sprinkles, but overall it was a great day!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mrs. Casey's 5th Grade Class

Mrs. Casey and son, Sean, Marathon Paddler

 We were delighted to have Mrs. Casey return for her annual canoe trip down to Stephan  with her 5th graders.

 Landing at Stephan after a wonderful day on the river!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away


 It rained on Memorial week-end Sunday,
 it rained on Memorial Day night, a big storm with strong winds.

It rained on Friday and all day Saturday.

 Some venturesome (crazy) souls showed up Saturday afternoon to laugh in the face of the elements.

Into each life some rain must fall.  - Longfellow

Welcome Back Bible Truth!!

It was so great to have Bible Truth back again.  Love the kids and chaperones, tolerate the water blasters (barely)!  There were new and familiar faces and we shared memories of previous visits.

2012 Bible Truth Crew