Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winter Blast

We finally got snow!!
Wonderful, measurable snow!
and it lasted for a day.

Eric and his boys made the most of it.
Finishing the winter with some great skiing!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wonderful Winter Guests

We may have had strange weather, but we have enjoyed wonderful guests.

Mark and I are thankful for all of our guests and the friendship that we share

Doug & Linda became Borchers' regulars this winter.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Many Happy Returns

One of the best things about innkeeping at Borchers is visiting with returning guests and "spin offs". Jeff & Kathy told Lou & Bev. They kept returning for over a decade. Kathy told Janet and her friends (who missed this year's visit due to poor snow conditions). Janet told Celeste & Kathy who came for a visit with Kathy's daughter and came for a return visit with their friend, Cheryl! Actually, Celeste & Kathy visited last year as well!Celeste, Kathy, & Cheryl

The ladies shared the house on the second night of their visit with regulars Eric & Heather and Ken & Sandy. Eric, Heather, and the ladies are big fans of Forbush. I will save that list of connections and spin offs for another post.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Great Winter Week-end

What a great winter week-end for outdoor enthusiasts!

Joe spent the night with us before heading down river in his kayak.
He and his group were headed for White Pine to camp with a final destination of Parmalee Bridge.

Sunday morning our guests traded x-c skiing tips and favorite places recommendations.
The Weiland family and Wes & Barry joined regulars Eric (Heather couldn't make it this week-end)
and Kathy & Celeste who brought their friend, Cheryl.

Wes & Barry raced at Hanson Hills.

Wes came in first in his first race.


We will horn in on the glory and take credit for Wes having a great Borchers breakfast!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Brad's Big Boy Birthday

One of our favorite families made their annual winter trek and Borchers was delighted to be on their itinerary! Brad, Jen, & the girls burned up the trails at Stokeley Creek and then stopped to stay with us. They skied at X-C Ski Headquarters, but weather conditions did not cooperate for them to get a day in at Forbush. Brad was celebrating a milestone birthday.

'Cede loves having the girls stay with us!

Even though it was his birthday, Brad brought a gift of coffee from his company, Sirius Coffee Roasting Co. The El Salvador Majahual Tablon La Montana in a Full City Roast is delicious. Check out www.siriuscoffeeroasters.com.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day

We don't need Punxsutawney Phil to give us a prediction. We have 'Cede!

Unfortunately, she couldn't bear to look at the long shadow across the lawn.

We are hoping for six more weeks of winter and not this crazy weather we have had, but a good old foot of snow, high of 20, low of 10, winter!