Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

Finally canoe season is in full swing. Memorial day is the unofficial start to the canoe season and this year was no different. The weather was a little uncooperative, but is was still a very good weekend for us. We were able to get some new people in to learn the ropes, which is always fun.

Newbie, Levi

Also we got to see some familiar faces with the Vendt family staying with us for their 6th annual visit with us. It was nice to be able to catch up with them, and we can't wait to see the entire gang again next year!

Bob, Linda, Rob, Laura, Clinton, & Sherry

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ready For the Weekend?

Borchers is ready for the week-end, are you?

Our senior staff is checking off the details.

John & Alex taking care of reservations.

Ryan, Mark, and Matt finessing the yards.

National Safety Council

It was our pleasure to host facilitator, James, and his class this past week. Representatives of driving schools across the state came for a Defensive Driving Course presentation.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Sun Came Out

What a great week-end, finally. We have all been anxiously awaiting the sun and it finally shone!

Longtime friends, Tony & Sue were up for the week-end and new guests Jim & Linda sat on the deck with the four of us Friday night enjoying the river.

Phil & Sara were also new guests. Small world, Phil works with past staffer Sean. They took advantage of the sunshine and kayaked to Wakeley Bridge.

Phil & Sara

Amber celebrated her birthday kayaking with her mom and her B.F.F.s.

Our rookie staff discovered one of the hidden perks of working at Borchers!

Amber, friends, & rookie staffers.

We also had the pleasure of having
Scout Troop 90 with us on Saturday.
Pack mom, Jessica, was great to work with
and her youngest son left a special mark on Borchers.

Orientation & Launch

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fishermen Favorites

Do you know the song, "There Were Three Jolly Fishermen"? Well, Borchers hosted Nine Jolly Fishermen this past week-end.

David, Scott, Jim, Craig, Larry, Jeff, Chuck, Ryan, Jody, and Nate!

The guys spent some of their time wading, some of their time being guided, and all of their time catching fish! They are some of our favorite fishermen.

Speaking of favorites, I am a new fan of David Roth. David gave a concert in Grayling on 05/15/11. Awesome! We enjoyed having David & Tricia stay with us, too!