We had favorite guests return and we made new friends as well.
Victoria & Sofia came with their dads to dog sled. Victoria wrote in our guest book, "This is a whole lot better than a hotel!" Sofia added, "I agree with Victoria!" Thanks, girls, we enjoyed your visits and appreciate your comments!

The girls at breakfast
& playing games with our friend (and regular guest), Wesley
Amir & the girls are joined by
Mark, Judy, and A.J.
Mark is a microbrew aficionado and his family really loved Bennethum's and their ale selections.
Mark, Judy, and A.J.
Mark is a microbrew aficionado and his family really loved Bennethum's and their ale selections.
We enjoy having families stay with us especially when the kids are getting out to enjoy the great outdoors. Of course Wesley was here with parents, John & Marie, (on the all time favorites list) and I am in awe of Maureen who hit the trails with two little girls by herself.

Maureen & Josette

We also had the pleasure of long time guests from Toledo. Lou & Bev and friend, Kathy. You can't see it in this picture, but Bev "slumped" a wine bottle into a cheese plate for us and we love it.
Cheri & Bev

Lou & Kathy
(I don't know if Lou is trying to get out of the picture or surprise Kathy)
Sgt. Maj. Tim & Lisa joined Mark & I and the Toledo gang for a competitive game of Scattergories. Tim & Lisa had come up to dogsled, what a great couple!
The month also brought a blast from the past. Brandi & new husband came for a stay. Brandi used to guide a group of girl scouts on a camping trip down river every summer. It was great to see her and she brought her wedding album at my request for our perusal.
We also hosted one great couple after another and I apologize for not including photos of every guest. I start visiting and enjoying the conversation and forget to get out the camera. Mark & I may not have pictures, but we certainly have great memories from each and every visit!