Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Mark & 'Cede & I decided that Christmas Eve morning would be a perfect time to open our gifts.
It gave us plenty of time to linger over coffee and clean up our mess before heading down state to be with the family.

"Santa" uses duct tape when
scotch tape isn't enough

Mark & 'Cede "high five" over their good fortune

Christmas Eve with Mark's side of the family is a very casual affair; food, family, fa-la-la and this year, "far away".

Mark's brother, Matt, is stationed in Kuwait. Through Skype, we were able to wish Matt a Merry Christmas and have him with us for a little while.

Matt's Christmas Tree

Matt's wife, Jennifer
and sister-in-law, Loralie

Emily & James,
Matt's son

Collyn and Jennifer

Along with Matt's family,
our son, Mark E., daughter-in-law, Kristin,
Jennifer's mom, Judy, neighbor, Jeanne, Mom & Dad Hunter,
and brother, Ross, and his wife, Loralie filled the house.

Mom Hunter relaxes amid company.

Christmas Day found us with my side of the family.

Brother-in-law, Perry, kicks back with Mark.

Emily & Jerry,
Mark E. & Kristin,
Levi & Stephanie,
Carrie & Perry,
Mark & I,
and of course, Mom,
had a great day of
games, food, and laughter.

It looks like Mark E.'s Christmas was
going to the dogs!

Our son, Michael, and daughter-in-law Teresa,
Teresa's Dad. Tom, and of course Kleo,
phoned in their greetings from California.

From near and far, our family had a good Christmas with no rabbit ears or T.V. trays (family joke to complicated to explain). We wish the same for you and yours!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gifts & Preparations

We have ample snow as we get ready for Christmas.

In a gift to themselves, Jill & son, Ian, took an extra day in the North woods to try dog sledding. Our friend, Tim, the owner of Snow Bound Adventures, and a past staffer of Borchers has partnered with us to provide an off the beaten trail adventure.

Jill and Ian reported a wonderful time mushing and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a "new" winter activity.

Tim has promised Mark and I a trip and after hearing what a great experience our guests had, we can't wait to get out and try it.

While our guests were on the trail, I was pursuing
Christmas preparations. With a son and daughter-in-law on each coast, gifts have to be bought, wrapped, and shipped early to make it by Christmas. Will they get there in the "Saint Nick" of time?

Okay, the gifts are wrapped, the tree is up, Bing Crosby is crooning out the Christmas spirit, and the only things left to do are desserts to share with the family. Luckily, I am married to "The Mousse Maker".

Mark has a way with chocolate chips and a microwave!

Tonight, we will enjoy our tree and "Mixed Nuts" before we head downstate for a functional family Christmas with a little "festivus" thrown in.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Is Coming

I am looking out my window at more snow flurries freshening our snow base. The shopping has to be done by Friday night so that mail to the kids will reach them by Christmas. All the grand dogs including our new addition, Kleo, are getting bandanas to match Aunt 'Cede's.

We kicked off our Christmas season
hosting a local ladies brunch.
These sweethearts really got me in the
true Christmas spirit with their stories of Christmas past and their plans for this year.

Last week-end we tromped through the snow to the river down at the Rayburn's property. This is one of our favorite places to walk! It is by far 'Cede's favorite. If we don't see anybody else there, we carry the leash and let her run.

We decided to take some photos, maybe get a good one for our Christmas card. While Mark was adjusting the tripod and I was messing with the timer, 'Cede went exploring. All of a sudden, we heard sp-p-lushhh! She immediately jumped out of the river and started tearing around.

It didn't put a "damper" on our plans.
We continued taking pictures.

We are going to enjoy every minute of the next 10 days; baking, parties, wrapping, mailing, shoveling snow, hosting guests.... and we wish the same for you and yours!