This past weekend we sent out a lot more canoes than anyone could have expected for mid-May. We could not have asked for better weather, it was sunny and seventy all weekend which got a bunch of people out of their houses and on to the river. Saturday started off with the launching of BSA Troop 60, who were headed on a two day camping trip with a caravan of over 60 people.
Connie & Rick came from Colorado to see the elusive Kirtland Warbler. They have "birded" all over the world, exotic places like Tahiti, Costa Rica, and Grayling, Michigan.
This is Ryan. When he is not at Borchers, he is addressing the cow bird problem (if you know what I mean).
Earlier in the week, the Crawford County Sheriff's Department stopped by for our annual safety inspection.
Our guys were busy unracking all of the canoes and then giving them a nice rinse before they go down river.
Mark gave launching instructions and Alex & Jerry demonstrated the proper way to empty a canoe should it become filled with water.
We have had the pleasure to host several guests with a wide variety of interests over the past week. Brian was a return guest who spent as many hours as possible fishing, Jeff was paddling and researching his new book. Jeff published "An Explorer's Guide to Michigan" in 2008.
Connie & Rick came from Colorado to see the elusive Kirtland Warbler. They have "birded" all over the world, exotic places like Tahiti, Costa Rica, and Grayling, Michigan.
We also had the pleasure of hosting the Canton, Ohio Audobon Society.
All of our birders saw the Warbler. Warbler tours will continue until July 1st.
This is Ryan. When he is not at Borchers, he is addressing the cow bird problem (if you know what I mean).
One of the highlights of our week-end was the visit from Tony & Sue, and Kenn & Carrie. These couples have been staying with us for over 1 1/2 decades.
Sunday, Alex picked up former staffer, Jim J., at Parmalee. Jim & crew took six kayaks on an overnight trip. We anticipated a slow Sunday with the exception of retrieving all of those boyscouts, but many people decided to spend their Sunday relaxing on the river, taking advantage of the beautiful weather, which always makes us happy here at Borchers.
Sunday, Alex picked up former staffer, Jim J., at Parmalee. Jim & crew took six kayaks on an overnight trip. We anticipated a slow Sunday with the exception of retrieving all of those boyscouts, but many people decided to spend their Sunday relaxing on the river, taking advantage of the beautiful weather, which always makes us happy here at Borchers.
Our guys were busy unracking all of the canoes and then giving them a nice rinse before they go down river.
Leave No Footprints.......Borchers