Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We spent Thanksgiving on the road this year. After all of the wedding hoopla, the kids needed to stay "at home" and Mark, 'Cede, & I had the opportunity to deliver a load of Christmas trees to Dallas, Texas. Even though we were not with our extended family, we have a lot to be thankful for including our family, two wonderful new daughters-in-law, a great 2009 canoe season, friendships made over many years and serendipitous moments in every day life. We are thankful for all of our guests who have added to our happiness in so many ways. We are thankful for the staffers who have touched our lives.

We delivered 600 Michigan firs & spruces. We were one of three deliveries to the Moomey Family lot. They have been selling Cadillac grown trees in Dallas for 31 years. What a great couple.

We enjoyed a day or two of warm weather and then headed back home with a trailer full of sale flyers for the next week's Sunday paper.

We now have a couple inches of snow and are waiting for a storm predicted for Wednesday. X-C skiing is imminent